Boobs Or Bottoms?

In the 1990's a study of internet usage revealed that the top 2 searches on the information superhighway were "Gillian Anderson" and "Pamela Anderson". The study illustrated 2 very different stages of male sexual development.

Stage 1 = men who like breasts (Pamela Anderson)
Stage 2 = men who like buttocks, legs and feet (Gillian Anderson)

These 2 stages demonstrate the male sexual attitudes prevalent in society.

Tabloid newspapers favour stage 1 and feature topless pictures of young women for the titillation of working class men. This level of sexual development is immature; representing the breast feeding stage.

Stage 2 indicates a post-mammary degree of development in which the male sexual interest has moved onto the reproductive organs. The primary focus now is the lower half of the body.

A stage 1 man treats a woman as a mother-surrogate and expects her to provide meals, emotional comfort and take care of his off-spring. A stage 2 man treats a woman as an equal partner in an on-going relationship of sexual, emotional and psychological discovery.

If you want a man to treat you with respect, look for stage 2. To attract a stage 1 man, show your breasts. To attract a stage 2 man, put on your tights and wear some heels.

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